August 9, 2022 // by Jason White

As the homesteading movement gains momentum and more people are taking matters into their own hands regarding food and other resources, the demand for learning new skills grows as well. While we are certainly blessed to live in a time with an abundance of digital and print resources, there is simply no replacement for hands on experience and networking opportunities that come with in-person learning.

My guest today certainly understands that as she has worked tirelessly to develop what is quickly becoming one of the top homesteading gatherings in the nation. After a long career in the print newspaper industry, Cheryl Franklin has started a new life as the organizer of the upcoming Ozarks Homesteading Expo which takes place on August 26th and 27th of this year.

In our talk, we get to hear her perspective of what it was like to get started as a young homesteader, fresh from the city and newly transplanted in SW Missouri. We talk about the importance of community and the challenges of balancing a full time career, family responsibilities and a growing homestead. She tells the story of how she found herself running a successful homesteading event and gives some details on what folks can expect who attend this year.

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