September 20, 2022 // by Jason White

In a time where inflation and supply chain issues are everyday topics, it’s easy to fixate on cost and scarcity concerns when it comes to managing our resources. Many of us have, undoubtedly, taken on a new project out of one concern or another and then found ourselves enjoying other benefits well outside of our original motivations. After realizing the massive price increase of honey this summer, I started questioning whether or not adding bees to my homestead was a realistic goal, and whether doing so would provide more than just free honey.

In today’s episode, I welcome back Bobby Jimenez of the Rabbitry Center to share his passion for beekeeping which actually started from his desire to improve pollination on his homestead. 7 years after his initial dive into the craft, he manages a number of hives on several properties as well as hosts a YouTube channel where he shares his knowledge and enthusiasm for keeping bees.

Bobby shares how he jumped into beekeeping head first and without much initial knowledge and how, through consistent observation and determination, he has reaped rewards well beyond his initial expectations. We discuss different management options available to new beekeepers as well as different strategies to making money from your bees. We also talk about the seasonal tasks required to be successful and Bobby shares the next steps for anyone interested in getting started.

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